Tip #1: When you place ads on Craigslist, be prepared to check your emails every few minutes. Craigslist shoppers are an impatient bunch and I was chided for not responding immediately to their inquiries. (of course, due to my lethargy, I had one guy bid $10 higher for the same item just to 'close the deal' as he thought I was holding out for more money)
Tip #2: You know you priced an item too low when you have a dozen takers within 10 minutes of posting.
To date Tarun has sold 5 of the 7 items he posted on Craig and pocketed a $150. Not bad for a few minutes of work. Of course, now he is scouring the house looking for items to sell and his brother's (Rahul) toys are fair game. After much debate, he finally accepted defeat and retired gracefully. Now he is making plans to go to the mall to dispose of his 'hard-earned' cash.
Keep tuned in for the next blog post which will introduce you to some of the characters the Giridhar household encountered during this whole saga.